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1 point

if they didn't limit free speech on internet and other sources of media it will be essential to protect minors from being exposed to obscene and otherwise potentially harmful materials.

Meera_Tariq(9) Clarified
1 point

I wanted to post this for the argument not for the opening statement my mistake.

1 point

there should definitely be limits because It can be misused by people to promote odious ideas, and if there was no limits everyone will be able to promote terrorism, racism, sexism, and fascism ideas.

Supporting Evidence: pros and cons of freedom of speech (
1 point

Free speech has always been important throughout history because it has been used to fight for change but fighting for change can lead to conflict.

1 point

there should definitely be limits because It can be misused by people to promote odious ideas, and if there was no limits everyone will be able to promote terrorism, racism, sexism, and fascism ideas.

Supporting Evidence: pros and cons of freedom of speech (
2 points

sometimes the expression of that right can give rise to conflict, and offense.

For example:

There have been fierce protests in Muslim countries against a YouTube video insulting Islam. The reaction to the video has led to the deaths of more than 50 people, including US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

Supporting Evidence: a war is raging against free speech. (
1 point

that's right because the free speech is possible can change to hate speech if you don't have limits on it.

Supporting Evidence: freedom of speech (
1 point

But full freedom of speech allows for free defamation, free association in false and highly misleading propaganda, and no limit would mean no protection of state secrets.

2 points

Yes, there should be limits on freedom of speech as people could get hurt emotionally and physically while remarking unnecessary speech.

1 point

yes, cupcakes are amazing and many people like them. 770,000,000 cupcakes were eaten in the US in 2012. That same year, Sprinkles Bakery, developed a hole in a wall ATM that dispenses cupcakes 24 hours a day. It holds up to 600 fresh cupcakes at a time.

Supporting Evidence: Facts About Cupcakes (

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