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Hunter 8C


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Newsletter Archive

The CreateDebate Newsletter is one way we keep our loyal debaters up to date as to what's going on with CreateDebate. Browse through past issues of the CreateDebate Newsletter by clicking on the links below. If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in the Newsletter, let us know.


Issue 9: November 5, 2008

CreateDebate 2008
What are you trying to decide?

Election Book Contest Results

After weeks of campaigning, mudslinging on both sides, maverick-like arguments for and against each candidate, promises of change, and too many late night CreateDebate coding sessions to count, the big question still remains unanswered: who won the CreateDebate Election Book Contest?

Well, the final count is in, and here are the winners. Drumroll please!

Place Person Points Earned
1 Kuklapolitan  Kuklapolitan + 358
2 Tamisan  Tamisan + 333
3 joecavalry  joecavalry + 331
4 andsoccer16  andsoccer16 + 199
5 Jamais  Jamais + 157

Congratulations to the winners of these great books. We'd like to thank everyone for participating in the contest, hopefully you found it as interesting as we did.

4th Quarter Townhall

The 4th Quarter CreateDebate Townhall meeting has been moved to next week! The Townhall chat will be held Thursday, November 13th at 6PM EST. Please post your thoughts on what subjects you'd like us to cover in the Townhall debate. The meeting will be held in the Townhall Chat Room.

We look forward to a great discussion with all of you, hearing more about your thoughts on what is working well, what you'd like to see improved, and any thoughts in general that you have on CreateDebate.

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The CreateDebate Team

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