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Hunter 8C

Hussyeezy27's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hussyeezy27's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

closing statement:

All in all we should give up our individual privacy for the safety of the nation.

Protects privacy of the citizens by secure a person's, property, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.

This is why we should give up our privacy for the nation because citizens can be safer because the police etc. can track people that can cause harm like terrorism, murder, homicide etc.

1 point

It would not cause violence it prevents future violence such as many school shootings were prevented by fbi stopping and spying on possible shooters.

1 point

It would not cause violence it prevents future violence such as many school shootings were prevented by fbi stopping and spying on possible shooters.

1 point

How could the information fall into the hands? it wouldn't because the government keeps it to a limit on a appropriate level.

1 point

Argument 2:

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that protects people from being searched or having their things taken away from them without any good reason and prevents tragedies. Citizens loved ones and offsprings that target them can be protected from potential acts of terrorism.

1 point

Argument 1:

The violation of privacy does protect the civilians are protected under the people that bring harm for example them and other innocents.

FBI -"The alleged terrorists on this list are charged with federal crimes in the United States, as indicated on their wanted posters. The pending charges listed on the posters allow them to be arrested and brought to justice. Future charges may result as various investigations proceed in connection to other terrorist incidents, for example, the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001."

1 point

Hussain, Adam

Opening statement:

Yes, we should give up our privacy, because it will be safer for citizens and the police can track people that can cause harm like terrorism, murder, homicide etc.

1 point

Cup cakes lead to bad health decisions for your body and you can gain calories fat from the

1 point

Cup cakes are disgusting because of the vast amount of icing.

cup cake is bad

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