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Hunter 8C

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1 point

There is always a a backlash for a student who retaliates like a suspension and the student cant day anything as a small slap shouldn't start a fight

1 point

And corporal punishments also make it clear on what is right and what is wrong and this will greatly help students as they get older.

Supporting Evidence: Pros and Cons of Corporal Punishment (
1 point

Children don't get depressed after one small hit to the hand and most of the time the wouldn't want to get hit again and the would start to behave and the cases that you show are form abusive teacher's as most of the time it should be a small punishment and not something the inflicts enough pain to form a bruise.

0 points

Argument 2-Affordable Method of Discipline

This is a very affordable way to punish a child as you wouldn’t need to visit therapists and doctors to take pills and other medicine for a misbehaving child. as a quick punishment to your child could solve many problems and save time and money.

Supporting Evidence: 10 Prevailing Pros and Cons of Corporal Punishment (
2 points

There has been many cases where corporal punishment has stop bad behaviour from reoccurring

1 point

and also getting punished for making mistakes will stop the child from redoing the same mistake or misbehaving as he will be afraid of the punishment.

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