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RSS Jinwooh04

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Closing Statement: We think that we need to update the second amendment for a modern society, as many people are using guns and firearms as more of a weapon to kill other people or themselves, rather than the use of self defense.

1 point

However, people don't only use guns for massacres, but guns are being used as way to suicide as 60% of suicides are done with firearms. With gun control, the suicide rate can decline by a lot.

For example, the European country, Austria, have started monitoring gun control and soon after the suicide rates have dropped as people have been using guns as a method to suicide, and by taking that away it resulted for less people to end it's life.


2 points

Also, the murder rate in the US alone is 15 times higher than other first world countries, which includes Western Europe, North America, Australia, and Japan. The murders of the murder rates are mostly committed with guns.


1 point

However, studies have shown that people in the US rarely use guns as an actual self defense weapon, as only 0.12% of victims from gun related homicides who owns a gun actually used it as self defense as while the homicide is happening most people freak out and actually forget that they own a gun at their house.


0 points

Studies show that the gun related murder laws have declined after they have made a stricter gun law. For example, Australia has changed its gun laws after a big terror attack, which then the gun related incidents have decreased by a lot. If this is applied to the second amendment, the high risks of firearms would decrease a whole lot as more than 30,000 people die from gun related deaths each year in the US alone.


0 points

Opening Statement: The second amendment should be updated for a modern society for a few reasons.

1 point

Cupcakes are nice, and many people like them, but they are definitely not the best dessert option.

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